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Couples Going International – Foundations for Successful Relocations and Relationships

  • Couples
  • Family
  • Coaching
  • Online

A move abroad can be complex and overwhelming, and as a result, put pressure on a couple’s relationship – jeopardising the whole assignment. This pre-departure service is designed to support couples as they respond to the initial challenges and opportunities of international relocation.

International relocation represents the beginning of a period of change and transition for your employee and partner. They will have many questions ranging from the practical – how do we do this? to the broader more existential questions about how they can make the experience work professionally, personally and in a way that supports their relationship. We know that poor preparation and unrealistic expectations can seriously derail positive assignment outcomes. This service is designed to give partners space amongst their busy schedules to consider the relocation within the context of their relationship and set solid foundations for a successful and happy assignment experience. 

What will they get

Three hours of one-to-one time with the relocation coach where they will be guided to.

  • Clarify their personal and professional rational (reason why) for undertaking the assignment experience and joint aspirations for the future
  • Clarify the opportunities and benefits presented by the assignment experience
  • Discuss the company relocation support and policy provisions and consider how they can maximise the benefit of that support
  • Consider the potential practical hotspots and how they can manage or minimise them. Hotspots such as work pressures, financial management, dependency, and child-care will be discussed and strategies for managing them identified
  • Provide space to talk about the different roles that each partner will play and how they will allocate roles and tasks successfully
  • Discuss how the couple can create opportunities for important conversations and how best to manage those conversations
  • Outline their relocation timeline, identifying their first next steps

Information Required

  • Number of participants
  • Destination
  • Date of intended relocation
  • Email contact details for communication with their coach
  • Ability to have the consultations online 

Intended for

International employees and their partners who want to lay good foundations for their assignment and relationship while they are abroad

Project Timeline

  • Start one week after payment
  • Completion up to two months after the opening consultation

Protected Payments

Your payment isn't released until you approve the work

Service Track & Trace

Service timeline with milestones

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7 Relocators provide this service.
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asked questions

Is it the company's place to support employees in this way?
Yes! People in the relocation world know that a bad relationship will not be fixed by an international move, and worst still, an international move can be broken by a bad relationship. Helping employees and their partners to lay good practical and relationship foundations will lead to a more focused productive and happy employee – and partner. After all, relationships are key to wellbeing and a supportive employee/partner relationship is key to assignment success.
My employees are too busy for this kind of thing?
We understand. Preparing for an international move can be a busy and overwhelming time. For this reason, it can also be an emotionally charged time. This programme is designed to give partners an opportunity to prioritise what matters and ensure that their relationship is not jeopardised by the relocation pressures.
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