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Help & Support

asked questions

Access to Tzuza Platform

I forgot my user ID to log in, what do I do?
Can I also have another person accessing the same account?
I forgot my username or password.


What happens to all my data once my account is closed?
Is my personal data that is in the platform safe and protected?


Who can I contact with issues?


Is my credit card information that I have used and is potentially stored in the platform safe and protected.


How do I register for Tzuza?
What happens when I get a sale?
I can not pick all the services I see on the web shop front end?
I have added/updated my service locations in the My Tzuza area but my profile does not show up in my locations?


Why can I only communicate with my relocator via the Tzuza platform?
What happens when seller did not contact me within the timeframe that is applicable for the service I bought?
How quickly will I be contacted after I have purchased a service?
What if my order is market for delivered but I have not accepted it?
When is my order completed?
When is my order accepted?
I'm logged in but can't find any services I have purchased?
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