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Developing Professional Fulfilment for Partners

  • Couples
  • Family
  • Coaching
  • Online

The key to successful partner support and assignment outcomes is not only in solving practical relocation challenges but also in guiding partners to find personal and professional fulfilment abroad.

For the relocating partner leaving a career behind can be challenging both financially and professionally. An international move can also provide the opportunity for a career review and recalibration. Recognising that the ability to work may depend on visa status and other factors, this package is designed to support the partner to consider the realistic opportunities for pursuing professional goals while living abroad and help them in deciding what they want to do. Solutions will vary from person to person. Experience has found options include, initiating a job search, considering an online freelance career, developing ideas for a portable business, identifying further professional development, or looking for volunteer opportunities. The aim: to provide the space and structure for partners to develop clarity about their chosen professional direction and then provide the necessary advice and support as they take action to make their professional aspirations a reality.

Intended for

Partners who want to find work or a professional outlet and need support to make it happen.

What you get

Five one-hour coaching/consultancy sessions, follow up exercises and resources for the partner:

  • Review their skills, strengths, knowledge and career achievements and successes to date
  • Identify/clarify their career aspirations within the context of the current international setting, future goals and clarify what they want to do, be and achieve professionally
  • Research the different ways in which they can potentially pursue their career/professional goals in their new location and consider how these options fit with their needs and priorities
  • Make decisions and develop a vision for their professional future
  • Develop a strategy and pathways for achieving their professional goals. These will vary depending on the chosen professional direction and may include advice on, job search strategy, social media strategy, networking, CV preparation
  • Create a timeline of actions for moving towards the achievement of their professional goals

Information required

  • Location and time zone of the client
  • Ability/willingness to access online conference calls as this programme will be
  • conducted virtually.

Project Timeline

  • Start date 1 week after payment
  • Five coaching sessions delivered in line with the clients preferred schedule

Protected Payments

Your payment isn't released until you approve the work

Service Track & Trace

Service timeline with milestones

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5 Relocators provide this service.
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asked questions

Will this programme help partners to find a job?
This may be the outcome, but it depends on the goals and aspirations of the partner. Finding a job, any job is not always the right goal. This package will help partners identify what they want to achieve professionally. This may be finding the right job, redirecting their career, further professional development, starting a business or if they are unable to work for visa reasons, helping them to find meaningful voluntary work.
I have a partner who has been living in their current location for two years, they are unhappy and feel unfulfilled professionally. I am worried this will impact the longer-term viability of the assignment, will this package help them or is it too late?
It is never too late. This package is designed to support partners at the point they feel they want to address their professional aspirations and future direction. If that is one year, two years or more into an assignment then that is fine.
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